Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera - Uses And Side Effects Of Aloe Vera
By Steve Mathew
Plant Description:
Aloe is a genus of plants belonging to family asphodelaceae. Aloe is a popular houseplant having multipurpose folk remedy. Commonly known as Aloe vera. means true Aloe and it was originally spread throughout the Mediterranean.It is stem less plant , short stemmed plant growing to 100 cm tall.The leaves are lanceolate, thick and fleshy, green to grey green with serrated margin.The succulent plant having leaves that are being radical, spiny and toothed. The spike of the plant on which the flowers are produced are of 90 cm tall. Each flower having pendulous with a tubular corolla 2-3 cm long.
Gel and latex are the two basic products of aloe vera. Gel is the leaf pulp or mucilage, the jelly-like substance obtained from the parenchymal tissue that makes up the inner portion of the leaves .
Uses and Benefits
External uses
Aloe vera is used externally to treat different skin conditions such as :

The sap of heals pain and reduces inflammation. is mostly used for the treatment of burns and bruises.
Aloe vera gel speeds the healing of insect bites, and relieves itching and dandruff.
Aloe vera is the safest and stimulating purgatives to persons of sedentary habits and phlegmatic constitutions.
Extract of are regularly used in herbal medicine and by cosmetic companies.
Aloe vera is also work as the remedy for coughs, ulcers,diabetes, cancer.

Internal uses
Aloe vera is able to enhance the formation of collagen when applied to skin wounds.
Aloe vera helps intensify normal muscle joint functions.
Aloe vera promotes healthy digestive surfaces throughout the esophagus and stomach.
By adding Isabgol and gel to the diet, there was a marked reduction in total lipids, total serum cholesterol, serum triglycerides,fasting and post meal blood sugar levels in diabetics.

also boost the immune system and act directly an abnormal cells, thus preventing or treating cancer.

Side Effects
There is evidence of significant adverse side effects:

Aloe containing laxatives pose cancer risk to humans.
Internal use of latex may turn the urine red and may also cause abdominal pain.
Chronic internal use may increase the likelihood of potassium losses.
Overdose can also cause heart arrhythmias, nephropathies,edemas, accelerated bone deterioration.

Drug Interactions
Drug interaction based on the two principles pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic. Certain medicines interact with the Aloe :some interaction may positive so they may increase the need of Aloe,some may get failed so before taking it, consult your doctor.Aloe vera is a common herb used for antibacterial and lipid lowering effects. Compounds that are present in the cause the reduction in prostaglandin synthesis, which may inhibit secondary aggregation, and prolongs bleeding.

Only for maintenance take one in a day or every other daydose.
In the presence of others with compromised immune systems take three times a day.

Use Sovereign SilverT in its pure form, rather than mixing with water or anything else except for aloe * (where appropriate). Hold dose under tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing.  Please allow no less than 5 minutes before drinking or eating and no less than 45 minutes after drinking or 1-1/2 hours after eating.
If you would like to insure delivery into the intestinal tract, take 1:1 with whole leaf and swallow directly.
MPS-GOLD is taken in the form of powder mixed with water once a day only for the health maintenance.
Aloe vera cream having 0.5% of aloe is applied on the burn surfaces three times a day.
For diabetic patient , they should take one tablespoon of aloe juice twice daily.

Steve Mathew is a writer, who writes many great articles on conditions, diseases and various other ailments. For more information on aloe-vera, visit

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