Aloe Vera

Discover The Natural Way To Cure Skin Yeast Infection
By Alison McEvoy
You should know that when it comes to Candidas albicans, skin yeast infection is of its most common manifestations. It is as a result of an overabundance of the fungus found in our bodies. This fungus naturally resides in our bodies without causing any problems but sometimes it can over multiply giving rise to skin yeast infection. There are many factors that contribute to the overgrowth: antibiotics, birth control pills, scented soaps and other hygiene products. The great news is that there are many natural home remedies that can cure skin yeast infection.

How to Cure Skin Yeast Infection Naturally:

1. Keep your skin clean and dry. Avail of frequent showers to lessen the spread of skin yeast infection to other parts of the body. Don’t scrub and don’t scratch.

2. Tea Tree Oil – pour a few drops of tea tree oil with

a tablespoon of gel and apply it gently over the rash before showering.

3. Repeat as needed to cure the skin yeast infection. Yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus which is good bacteria and helps keep the level of yeast fungus under control.

4. Diet – in order to cure skin yeast infection you need to temporarily eliminate sweets, yeast breads, biscuits and other sweet pastries from your diet until your skin yeast infection subsides. Sweets are what yeast feeds on. Then slowly reintroduce these foods back in your diet.

5. Finally ask your doctor to consider allowing you some time to come off any antibacterial or steroids medication you are currently taking as they are usually the culprit for yeast infections. Ask your doctor for alternative medication to see if the yeast infection can benefit from the switch.
To help resolve your skin yeast infection quickly and naturally CLICK HERE

Discover the Natural Way To Cure Skin Yeast Infection was first published at ArticlesBase.

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