Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera...a Cure All?
By Becky Coffield
Who hasn’t reached for lotion or gel to ease the pain of a burn? This amazing plant’s medicinal properties extend well beyond being a balm for burns, however. Found in many homes and yards in the southwest, the plant, actually an herb, is brimming with healthful benefits. The best is that which you can grow yourself, free from pesticides and damaging processing.

Packed with numerous phytochemicals and nutrients, may truly be nature’s best gift. When the gel from the stalks is extricated, it can be added to food or liquids and taken internally. This amazing gel is reputed to boost immune function, destroy cancer tumors, halt inflammation and stabilize blood sugar. And that’s just for starters. It is also said to lower cholesterol, relieve joint pain, cure ulcers and numerous ailments in the digestive tract, from acid indigestion and reflux to constipation, IBS and basically all colon problems. Two ounces of the juice taken once daily,

mixed with water or a small amount of fruit juice, is enough to calm acidic stomachs and regulate many digestive disorders which seem to be the plague of modern living.

Cancer patients often find relief from radiation burns by using gel topically, and gum disease can be alleviated by using it in powder form. It can also help people with varicose veins, skin cancer and can be used in the treatment of AIDS.

The list goes on: it is reputed to prevent kidney stones, reduce high blood pressure and alkalize the body due to acidic eating habits.

Unfortunately, most forms of that are commercially available are adulterated to some degree due to the product having been heated and having various other ingredients added, often rendering the extremely weak and ineffective. Not everyone will be willing or able to slice off and prepare their own stalk of aloe every day, so it’s important to find a reputable brand if one is going to buy the juice or gel.
Becky Coffield is a periodic contributor to AzNet News, an alternative healing publication, and is the author of "You Can Conquer TMJ: Ideas and Recipes," available at and

consumer education series aloe vera the healing plant articles:
Aloe Vera Acne Treatment - How To Get Rid Of Acne
By Joseph Cowell
Acne happens commonly at some point in puberty or adolescence. Most likely it is caused by hormonal imbalance which promotes the sebaceous glands to excrete more oil. Surplus oil will show up on the Read more...
Aloe Vera...a Cure All?
By Becky Coffield
Who hasn’t reached for aloe vera lotion or gel to ease the pain of a burn? This amazing plant’s medicinal properties extend well beyond being a balm for burns, however. Found in many homes and yards Read more...
consumer education series aloe vera the healing plant news: