Aloe Vera

The Many Uses Of Aloe Vera
By Steven Godlewski
Copyright 2006

Aloe as a Topical Ointment

Aloe has been used for centuries to heal burns cuts and bruises. Aloe also helps diabetics who suffer from topical sores due to their disease. Another topical use for aloe is skin care.

The list of topical problems that aloe is used for is of a decent size. Aloe can be used to enhance skin growth, and the acid inside of aloe can be used as an effective pain-killer.

Aloe vera also produces at least six different antiseptics, which can kill mold, bacteria, funguses, and viruses. Aloe can help with skin blemishes and some people even use it to treat acne.

Aloe vera is a very useful plant, having been used for hundreds of years for all kinds of problems. Aloe has been used for baldness, burns, cuts, bruises, broken bone relief, and much more.

There are about 500 different medical uses that were actually written down in the past 50 years. That’s not including everything from century’s way back. Topical uses have been used for as long as many people can remember.

The most common form of aloe used for topical ointments is aloe jelly, which is the natural extract from the leaves of the plant. The uses of aloe are numerous and all have been proven scientifically over the years.

Many people around the world use aloe as a topical ointment. Whether for burns sores cuts or bruises, they still use aloe because they are still happy with the results.

Aloe is also used in cosmetics, and as a beauty restoring thing. When using aloe for burns or cuts, you usually feel a soothing feeling on contact, this is the fatty acids in the aloe interacting with the burn and killing off the harmful bacteria.

As a result, is most commonly used as a topical cure, and is more often found

being used for burns on people in America.

The Many Uses of Aloe Vera

Most people know what is. It is a type of plant grown on land that is most commonly used for sun burns. What people don’t know about is the many uses of it from the past.

The ancient Greeks used for many things, including baldness and insomnia. The Native Americans called the “Wand of the Heaven. The uses go on and on for lots of different cultures.

The list of what all has been used for includes things such as an aphrodisiac, to expel worms, purgative for lazy and weak people, used to help heal blisters, head aches, jaundice, cough, and more. All of these things cured with one plant.

Cultures around the world have not taken lightly either. The plant is mentioned in the bible about five times, including the story about the people who wandered for 40 years.

Aloe Vera can now be found just about everywhere. You can tell the plant by it’s rigid looking cactus like leaves. is most commonly used for burns and bruises now, mainly because it gives a soothing sensation almost on contact.

There are over 240 different species of Aloe, but so far only four of them have been recognized for their potent nutritional value. In one leaf of Aloe alone you can find 75 nutrients, 200 active compounds, 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins.

All of that in just one leaf! Aloe has also been used for skin therapy, by the French, and even by Cleopatra. There are even some types of Aloe that have been known to fight bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

All in all, is one plant that has definitely gotten around in the world. Scientists are even trying to use it to find cures for AIDS and other deadly illnesses.
Steven Godlewski is a self-made millionaire and is currently working with the staff at He has an extensive background in nutrition as well as other health related fields. For more health-related articles see their website at:

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