Aloe Vera

Which Hair Loss Remedies Really Work?
By C. Fowler
Individuals with hair loss problems frequently as the question, which hair loss remedies really work? There are many different types of hair loss treatments some being all natural, others using creams or chemicals and even hair plugs. Many individuals will first use natural remedies before moving onto the more expensive and time consuming treatments.

Massaging you scalp has been found to help hair loss as this stimulates the blood to your hair follicles and can stimulate hair growth. Aromatherapy has also been used to stimulate your scalp. Essential oils such as bay, lavender, almond, sesame or soybean oil are all used.

For men with hair loss a link between the prostate and hair has been found. By treating your prostate and protecting against prostate disease you can stop hair loss. Saw Palmetto extract helps to protect your prostate and also prevents hair loss.

Aloe Vera has been used for years to promote healthy hair and stop hair loss. By massaging

it into your scalp you are helping to clean your pores and maintain a healthy pH. This in turn keeps your hair healthy and stimulates growth.

Detoxification is also an important treatment for hair loss. Toxins in your body can cause hair loss and most scalp diseases are directly linked to toxins. By detoxifying your body you can stop hair loss.

Another popular hair loss treatment that has been used for years is Rogaine. Rogaine is a type of hair growth medication. It was originally used to prevent high blood pressure but was also found to stop hair loss. Over 50% of all men that used Rogaine noticed an improvement in their hair.

It is important to note that there is no known cure for hair loss as this is linked to your genetics. Temporary hair loss is completely treatable and most treatments are very effective. However if hair loss runs in your family then it is most likely genetic and you will need to prevent hair loss in order to keep the maximum amount of hair.
If you enjoyed this article, you might also enjoy my detailed review on hair growth vitamins at Visit best hair loss treatment to find out more about herbal treatments for growing hair naturally.

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